Having trouble with your vision?

Have you ever noticed that when you are asked to select new frames for your glasses they ask you to 'try them on to see how they look'? I have always found this request both funny and frustrating. For those of us who rely on glasses, it's a bit ironic, isn't it? Our vision is compromised, yet we're asked to assess frames without any corrective lenses. So often, I find myself uncertain about the frames I'm selecting, aside from their basic shape. It's a leap of faith, hoping for the best for something I'll likely wear for years to come.

At times, envisioning what we truly desire in life resembles trying on new frames devoid of lenses. The specifics elude us; we grasp only the general contours or direction of our aspirations. This is where coaching proves invaluable. If you are yearning for a new direction but are unable to visualise how you might get there I would love to work with you. I specialise in helping my clients find clarity about what they want and together we design a pathway to achieving it. Please get in touch if you would like some help to 'see' your vision come to life.


Please get in touch if you would like some help to 'see' your vision come to life.



Sowing the Seeds of Success